It is the area of the Dental Medicine that is dedicated to the diagnosis and surgical treatment of certain diseases / problems of the oral and maxillofacial region.
In the surgical area, the most frequent acts are: dental extraction, extraction of the tooth included (tooth that did not have its normal eruption having been retained in the maxillary bone), apical cyst enucleation, apicectomy, dental crown exposure for orthodontic traction, and lengthening of the labial or lingual brake, incisional or excisional biopsy of lesions of the hard or soft tissues of the oral cavity. These surgical acts are performed under local anesthesia, however there are more complex situations that require the use of general anesthesia in the Operative Block.
Wisdom tooth
Third molars or “wisdom teeth”, four in number, usually erupt after age 18. In some cases and for a variety of reasons (lack of space, poor position, altered tooth morphology, etc.), they may not erupt, being totally or partially retained in the maxillary bone, possibly causing some problems: pericoronaritis, caries in the adjacent tooth, degeneration of the membrane envelopment of the tooth and formation of odontogenic cysts or tumors. Caries in the tooth adjacent to the toilet, due to food retention and difficult hygiene. Wisdom tooth with degeneration of its surrounding membrane, compressing the nerve. Outbreaks of infection in the oral cavity and wisdom teeth impair the performance of amateur and professional athletes, as well as the health and quality of life of the general population.
Remember: “Your overall health depends on your oral health”.
Corrective surgery of the jaws (Orthognathic Surgery)
It is a major maxillary surgery that requires general anesthesia in the Operative Block.
An asymmetric face with poor alignment of the jaws (dentofacial deformity) can cause masticatory disorders, speech disorders, facial pain, TMJ pain and joint squeezing, also compromising the esthetic part.
Orthognathic surgery surgically replenishes the jaw, offers aesthetic and physiological benefits and promotes normal mastication, breathing and speech, improving self-esteem. Orthognathic surgery is always planned together with the Orthodontist, who will perform the dental alignment so that, during the correction surgery of the jaws, the teeth fit perfectly.
The most frequent dentofacial deformities are: prognathism, micrognathism, gingival smile (shows a lot of gums when smiling), open bite and facial asymmetry.
> Prognathism: characterized by the presence of a very pronounced chin and a concave facial profile.
> Micrognathism: characterized by a small chin and convex facial profile.
> Open bite: When the patient is mouth closed, the anterior teeth are not in contact.
> Facial asymmetry: there is an uneven growth of the face, shifting the chin to one side.